Well, I'm glad you think that way, my friend. Unless you really have a well-paying job that gives you a lot of extra time, making photography for just a hobby is not practical at all. Think about how expensive the camera and its equipment are. Companies are also updating new models from time to time, so you also need to catch up or be left behind. Therefore, you really need to know how to start a photography business to have some resources to buy your gears and, sooner, it could be your daily bread.

Here are things you should know about starting a photography business:
1. Choose an area that makes money in your situation
There are several areas in photography and it's really up to you to choose where you can fit. However, since you want to know how to start a photography business, you must also be located in an area that provides you with income. You may love taking abstract photographs, but you may not be able to make money from them. Well, I'm not saying there is no money in abstract photography. What I am saying is that you choose a photography area that you not only like, but also a good source of income in your long-term situation.
A good example here is wedding photography. I have friends who are very good at capturing artistic photos. They post those photos on Facebook and get lots of good comments. However, with that kind of photography, it's only good to share on social media, but it doesn't give them a penny. So they do wedding photography. Occasionally, many couples get married, so they always have reservations for a photo shoot. This area of photography may not be your first choice in this field. But because they wanted photography for business, they still do.
2. Starting from a lateral line first
At first, you may not have many resources and you really don't know how to start a photography business. If you now have a non-photography related job, it's still not a good idea to quit that job right away and take full-time photography. That could be possible if you're really lucky, but I'm telling you what, it's very risky for now. Building a business is not an overnight affair. Therefore, I suggest taking it easy and setting it aside for now. How about offering a photo shoot to your friends and colleagues first? You can start by offering them a great discount. This will save you money by hiring a professional photography studios. It will also give you the opportunity to learn and earn little by little. Almost all successful entrepreneurs started small. How to start a photography business is no different.
4. Use the power of the internet
Create your blog or even a website and upload your photo samples there. Create a fan page also on Facebook and even Twitter. Almost everyone is using the Internet now, so who knows, they might find you out! It is also good to join online photography forums. You can ask your fellow photographers questions about photography skills and even about running the business. Many professionals are always ready to provide help and even tell you how to start a photography business.
5. Aim to do full-time photography business
If photography is what you really like to do in life, you must dream to make it your full-time job. But before that happens, you really need to invest in photography skills and equipment. It's also good to work as an assistant to a professional photographer at first. With that you can learn how your boss does the business and does yours soon. If there is an opportunity, join a photo shoot and see how they do it. One day, you will be able to stand on your own feet and do your own business.
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