Monday, June 22, 2020

Air Duct Cleaning Basics

Indoor air quality is something many of us don't think about until we suspect a problem, perhaps due to a bad smell or increased sneezing and itchy eyes when the HVAC is working.

Without those reminders, we could go years without asking about the air we breathe indoors. But that does not mean that the air is clean. In fact, the air in even the most impeccable homes can be as clean as home air ducts.

Air ducts, often called the lungs of a home, are invisible to residents but still vital to the functioning of a home. Tucked behind drywall or under the floor we walk on, air ducts carry hot air from our HVAC system in winter and fresh air from the same system in summer. They also transport air from home rooms to the HVAC system for reheating or cooling and filtering.

What is air duct cleaning?

Duct cleaning removes particles that can build up over time in an air duct: particles like dust, pollen from flowers planted outside, mold that grew during the last heavy rain when the roof leaked, allergens and the coat of family pets or unwanted rodents, and soon.
Dirty air ducts are a major culprit for releasing particles into the indoor air, so it is recommended that you inspect your air ducts if you suspect there is a problem. Cleaning, when done correctly, begins with an inspection.

A professional certified by the National Association of  air duct cleaning Houston(NADCA) will first inspect your home and ducts, possibly testing the air in your home for particulates, to get a general idea of ​​how ducts may be affecting the quality of your inner air.

If you encounter a problem, you can clean your vents and ducts with special scrubbing brushes, other dirt-loosening equipment, and large hoses that absorb loose dirt and grime from your home and place them in a secure container for safe disposal . You can also develop an action plan to help prevent future air quality problems.

Is the mold a special case when the air duct is cleaned?

Mold spores (kind of like mold seeds) grow in damp and humid environments, so if you suspect your vents and air ducts have gotten wet due to high humidity in your home or maybe a a leak somewhere, consider having air and / or dirt in your mold tested ducts.

However, remember that the mere existence of mold is not necessarily a health problem. Mold is and always has been a fact of life. We breathe mold spores into the outside air every day.

So what is a mold problem? The answer depends in part on who asks, because some people, including the very young, adults with compromised immune systems, and people with mold allergies, may be more sensitive to mold growth and may experience health problems as a result.

Overall, however, the indoor air quality industry has set standards for "acceptable" and "elevated" mold spore counts in indoor air.

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