Once the thought was eradicated in developed countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, these parasitic insects are now back in revival. Bedbugs are popping up everywhere, from homes to hotels and even office furniture.
The prevalence of insects has made people cry out for bed bug control.
What are bedbugs?
Cimex Lectularius, more commonly known as bedbugs, are reddish-brown parasitic insects that feed on the blood of people and animals. They are small, flat and wingless. These errors generally range in size from 1mm to 7mm.

They are called bedbugs because they feed mainly while the host is asleep. However, it does not mean that bed mites are confined to sleeping areas. Bed mites can also be found on sofas, upholstered chairs, walls, cabinets, and any protected dark areas. When controlling an insect infestation, all parts of the home should be thoroughly checked.
Control of these pests
As mentioned above, an insect infestation is independent of hygiene conditions. Insects infest a house because they were brought there, usually by visitors, from second-hand furniture purchased at a garage sale, or even by the owners themselves after coming from an insect-infested location.
To find out if there are mites present in a home, look anywhere dark and isolated. Bed mites are known to remain about 8 feet from their victims. A telltale sign that bedbugs are around are the dark spots they leave. These dark spots are insect fecal matter that can be easily detected.
A sure sign of insect infestation is when there are bite marks on the face, neck, arms, hands, or legs. Once a person begins to show signs of bites from these Pest Control Auckland, it is best to prepare or consult a professional for insect control.
One must be thorough in controlling an error outbreak. Just by losing a few eggs, or losing a stain, an outbreak is more likely to occur after a few weeks. Mites can live up to a year without feeding. Their eggs are barely visible to the human eye. They have small, flat bodies that can be pushed into hard-to-find places.
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