If you are looking for a network marketing company to join and you like nutritional products then you have probably taken a look at Kyani. In this expert review, I will go into information about Kyani, the products they market, the compensation plan that is available to their distributors, and most importantly, whether it is another pyramid scam or not.
Kyani is involved in the health and wellness industry. As a person looking for a business opportunity, it is important to note that the health and wellness industry is projected to be the next $ 1 billion industry. Now, while this fact alone will not guarantee your success, it is safe to know that you will be involved in a rapidly growing and exploding industry. One of the main reasons the healthcare industry is growing so fast is because Baby Boomers are in their 60s and are looking for healthcare related products to help them feel and look younger. This Baby Boomer section of town is where Kyani focuses her marketing.
Kyani was founded in 2005 and is based in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The Kyani co-founders are comprised of three very successful Idaho families (the Powells, the Hansens, and the Taylors). It is rumored that these three families were able to finance Kyani with their own cash, in the amount of $ 300 million. With that kind of backup, it's easy to see how Kyani has been able to grow so quickly. In addition to that, CEO Michael Breshears, who heads the company has extensive business experience, is active with the Direct Selling Association (DSA), and has brought other companies to $ 200 million. It's also important to note that the founders, along with Breshears, really do have a long-term vision for the company, which is to turn Kyani into a billionaire giant in the network marketing industry.
Kyani is currently a private company with operations in North America, Europe and Asia. While the company was originally founded in 2005, it wasn't until 2008 that the company started to gain momentum, in large part because it changed its focus and started to go proactively after network marketing experts brought it on board. In my opinion, it was a very smart move for them, and the revenue growth is also proof that they made a good decision about it.
The products
Unlike other nutritional network marketing companies that offer hundreds of products, Kyani offers three nutritional products in its product line. These three products are:
1. Kyani Sunrise - A vitamin-rich nutritional drink made from Alaskan blueberries, which are very strong antioxidants.
2. Kyani Sunset: an omega-3 supplement made with wild Alaskan salmon.
3. Nitro FX - A noni-based nitric oxide product that is said to defend and repair every cell in the body, aids in blood flow and increases overall energy.
While there are many people who trust these products, it is important to do your due diligence on them and read some of the research on the products. That said, the Kyani Medical Advisory Board includes three highly distinguished physicians who have extensive knowledge of the power of nitix oxide, the antioxidant power of Alaska blueberries and tocotrienols, one of the key components of Kyani Sunset.
The compensation plan
You can start at Kyani in three different ways, with registration fees ranging from $ 160 to $ 1,250. Along with your initial cost, there is also a monthly backoffice fee and a monthly autoship requirement of approximately $ 150.
The main theme of Kyani's compensation plan is the ability to generate long-term residual income through dealer autoship. But there are also several other ways you can get paid, including: matching checks, quick start bonuses, sponsor bonuses, leadership funds, car program, and incentive trips.
Most of Kyani's growth comes from distributors doing home presentations and a few weekly hotel meetings in select markets across the country. There isn't much of a platform to do a lot of internet marketing, so as long as you agree to contact your friends and family, or when putting together your own capture pages, you should agree with their model.
When it comes to support, they provide many conference calls and national conventions several times a year. The only downside is that Kyani is such a young company that it may not have much local live support. And while opening a new city may seem attractive, it won't have the be
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