The Problem Research and medical professionals agree that there are certain lifestyle conditions that are fueling an increase in our current wellness problems. A statistical avalanche of evidence shows that in today's society, health problems are increasing and, in some cases, reach epidemic levels. What are the contributing factors? Mineral depletion in our soils
Highly processed foods
Environmental toxins (air and water pollution)
Highly processed foods
Eating a proinflammatory diet (i.e., too many high glycemic carbohydrates)
Exposure to these elements on a regular basis creates what is known as oxidative stress or free radical damage. This damage occurs at the cellular level. With the results as a compromised immune system and a greater probability of degenerative conditions. The solution

Antioxidants are the housewives of our body and remove free radicals before they attack healthy cells.
Antioxidants are present in foods such as vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and polyphenols, among others. Many antioxidants are often identified in foods by their distinctive colors: the deep red of cherries and tomatoes; carrots orange; and the purple blue of blueberries. The best known components of foods with antioxidant activities are vitamins A, C, and E. Doctors are now doing damage to our cells. Two of these superfoods are blueberries and salmon, which produces omega-3s.
This is how they work: Omega-3 oils maintain many roles in health, affecting gene activity and how cells communicate with each other. However, they are best known for their anti-inflammatory benefits. Omega-3s protect the heart in several ways and also benefit other vital organs.
Dr. Stephen Pratt, author of the book, Super Foods RX, states; "Cranberry combines more powerful antioxidant-fighting diseases than any other vegetable fruit." (pg 50) KYANI SUNRISE
The main ingredient in Kyani Sunrise is "Alaska Wild Blueberry". Nestled in the heart of Alaska's tundra is the berry whose incredible nutritional and antioxidant power has earned it the name "The Miraculous Berry." Harvested and processed at the right time, Alaska wild bilberry contains more antioxidant, disease-fighting and nutritional power than any other available fruit or plant product. Kyani Inc. has created a product based solely on the nutritional values of these miracle Alaska berries that is shaping and changing the lives of people around the world. KYANI SUNSET
Blend rich in Omega-3 antioxidants. The Kyani supernutrition program is complemented by its "Kyani Sunset" product, which is a concentrated source of Omega-3 fatty acids and tocotrienols (pure vitamin E), derived from nature's two best sources:
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